CEO Message

TAMURA Akihiko

Photo of top management


I am Akihiko Tamura, President and CEO of Narita International Airport Corporation (NAA).

Since its opening in 1978, Narita Airport has continued to function as Japan’s air gateway. Narita Airport, connected with a total of 120 cities, including 102 foreign cities and 18 Japanese cities, as of October 2014, is performing its role as an Asian hub airport with its diverse network of air routes.

In particular, as Japan has now entered a period of shrinking population, we cannot expect much growth in the domestic market. In this situation, in order to ensure some degree of economic growth, it is essential to incorporate the growth of Asia and other regions of the world. Based on that understanding, a national project is underway to expand the capacity of airports in the Tokyo Metropolitan area in order to make sure to capture inbound tourism demand so that Japan can develop as a tourism powerhouse. Narita Airport, too, will steadily implement projects to further strengthen its functions, including extending its second runway and building a new third runway, and fulfill its responsibilities as Japan’s air gateway by expanding the annual arrival/departure capacity to 500,000 times.

Many of Narita Airport’s facilities were built around half a century ago. As Narita Airport was designed to suit the needs of that time, it has reached a point of change that should turn it into an airport of the world’s highest standard in this new era in accordance with the aviation market’s dramatically changed needs. The "New Narita Airport" Development Plan, about which we notified the government in July 2024, aims to develop Narita Airport as an airport that provides users with safety, security, convenience, comfort, and joy and that can contribute to the prosperity of the airport’s stakeholders. This goal is pursued under four pillars of development, that is, restructuring passenger terminals, introducing advanced air logistic functions, improving airport access, and achieving integrated development with the surrounding community.

Airports can operate successfully only when they secure the understanding and cooperation of the surrounding community. In particular, in the case of Narita Airport, which is located in an inland area, it is essential to make constant efforts to minimize the negative impact of airport activities on the living environment of its neighborhood. At a time when Narita Airport is about to be reborn as a new airport, it is becoming more and more important not only to strive to reduce the negative impact to zero but also to cultivate a relationship that enables the airport and the community to develop together sustainably. To that end, we are resolved to do our utmost as an airport operator.

We will make vigorous efforts to contribute to the development of the Japanese economy and society by further evolving Narita Airport in continued collaboration with the surrounding community, airlines, and other stakeholders while ensuring safe and stable operations on a day-to-day basis. We appreciate your continued understanding and cooperation.