Policy on governance and implementation structure

Basic policy on governance

We will aim to realize sound management and further growth through efficient and transparent corporate activities.

We will efficiently utilize our management resources as well as comply with laws and regulation and social rules, and implement sound management through fair and transparent corporate activities. We will also be actively engaged in new businesses by placing the existing business at the core, and aim to become a growing company.

Compliance with regulations

We position compliance as a critical issue for the entire group and decide its key matters within our Compliance Committee at Narita International Airport Corporation (NAA). Additionally, we hold the 'NAA Group Companies Liaison Conference' to drive group-wide activities aimed at improving compliance.

To ensure thorough compliance, we conduct regular lectures and training for NAA Group directors, executive officers, and employees, disseminate compliance-related information, and conduct awareness surveys among employees to enhance compliance consciousness.

We also have established the 'Green Line' and an external information reception desk, the 'Bid Rigging Hotline,' to prevent misconduct, facilitate early detection, and promote recurrence prevention and system improvements.

Internal governance system

Our company (Narita International Airport Corporation) establishes the "systems necessary to ensure that the execution of duties by directors complies with laws and regulations and the articles of incorporation, and other systems prescribed by Ministry of Justice Order as systems necessary to ensure the properness of operations of a Stock Company and operations of a group of enterprises consisting of the Stock Company and its Subsidiary Companies" stipulated in Article 362, Paragraph 4, Item 6 of the Companies Act, in the 13th Extraordinary Meeting of the Board of Directors held on May 10, 2006, according to the provisions of Item 5 of the same Article. Thereafter, by reviewing the system as needed on a continuous basis, the company is striving to maintain and improve the corporate system for appropriate execution of operations.

Risk management

As the operator of a critical public infrastructure, an international hub airport, we recognize the need for a high level of risk management, and we implement management across the entire group, including our consolidated subsidiaries.

We conduct annual risk management surveys that cover all potential risks for the company. The risks identified through these surveys are evaluated in terms of 'impact' and 'likelihood/probability' using these two criteria. For 'impact,' we assess it from the perspectives of 'safety,' 'social impact,' and 'financial' aspects.

After evaluating the risk levels, we identify 'critical risks' that require focused attention. The countermeasures for these risks are then decided by the board of directors and addressed accordingly.

Governance structure

We hold a Group Management Conference and Group Companies Liaison Conference on a regular basis to facilitate information sharing and exchange of opinions between our company and the group companies through the communication of our intentions and reports from the group companies.

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