Cooperation between airports

Narita International Airport cooperates with the administrators of 13 major airports in the world in order to realize high-quality services and advanced efforts that cannot be realized alone. Here we would like to introduce our international cooperation as below.

Sister airports

NAA is currently concluding cooperation agreements with the administrators of 13 major airports in the world with an aim of responding to diversifying needs surrounding the aviation industry, and to realize high-quality services and advanced efforts that cannot be realized alone.


As for activities in this term, we have frequent contact between two airports, and are exchanging information regarding challenges related to airports. In addition, opinions are exchanged on common concerns faced by the aviation industry in various fields through regular meetings, and we are considering solutions thereof.

Also, we are working on collecting information on airport management, aviation management and policy of various airports, as well as furthering the development of global human resources, through personnel exchange programs where experts and trainees are mutually seconded.

Partner airports

In the future, we will continuously promote mutual cooperation and aim to expand and reinforce the aviation network, in order to expand passenger and cargo aviation demand for routes connecting Narita International Airport and different airports. In addition, we will implement initiatives that bring mutual benefits and realize the sustainable development of both airports, and the improvement of services and convenience for customers.

Sister airports

Alliance airports

Cooperative agreement airports

EAAA (East Asia Airport Alliance)

To meet both the expectations for ever changing and diversifying air travel services and for the needs in airport management and operations at the rapidly travel demand growing East Asia region, in December 2001, major airports in China, Korea and Japan established an cooperative organization East Asia Airport Alliance (EAAA).

Activities of EAAA

EAAA holds regular meetings to exchange opinions and share best practices on various themes, including the improvement of customer experience in East Asian airports.

EAAA member airports

Related Information about Cooperation between airports