Environmental policy and promotion system

Environmental Master Policy

Through a series of environmental initiatives and by incorporating a global perspective, we will strive to achieve an environment-friendly recycling-oriented airport (Eco-Airport), build a relationship of trust with the community as one of its members, and contribute to the attainment of an affluent 21st century society.


  1. 1.We will also be engaged actively in environmental issues from a global perspective, including the reduction of the environmental impact generated from the construction/operation of the airport, as well as working to reduce the impact on the environment in the neighboring areas of the airport.
  2. 2.We will accelerate environmental conservation by formulating a basic plan that encompasses all business activities, set forth a voluntary target in addition to compliance with legal regulations on the environment, and go through regular review thereof.
  3. 3.We will establish a mechanism for environmental activities to function effectively, and improve the mechanism on a continuous basis.
  4. 4.In addition to improving the awareness of all employees through in-house communication on the environment, we will also provide education and support to allow each employee to be engaged in environmental conservation activities in a responsible manner.
  5. 5.We will promote the establishment of an environmentally friendly recycling airport (eco-airport) as the entire airport by promoting environmental conservation activities together with our group companies, as well as by diffusing such activities among airport-related business operators.
  6. 6.We will actively disclose information on environmental conservation activities, and work on establishing environmental communication with regional communities in the nearby areas of the airport as well as with wider society.

Sustainable Carbon Management Policy

As a part of measures against climate change mentioned in the Eco-Airport Basic Plan, Narita International Airport Corporation (NAA) promotes the reduction of energy consumption in airport facilities and the introduction of low-emission vehicles, and is working on CO2 emission reduction from the airport.

In order to further promote these efforts, we formulated the Carbon Management Policy, which shows the policy towards the reduction of CO2 emission from the airport.

NAA will promote measures against climate change for the entire airport based on this policy.

Sustainable NRT 2050

On March 25, 2021, NAA became the first airport in Japan to set forth numerical targets on CO2 reduction for the entire airport, including the net-zero emission of NAA Group and the target of stakeholders. The company is promoting measures against climate change together with all stakeholders in Narita International Airport to achieve the target.

FY2030 targets (mid-term)

  • NAA Group will reduce its CO2 emission by 50% compared to FY2015
  • Set forth the "Next Actions" for CO2 reduction and promote it actively
  • Work on the reduction of environmental impact of the functional enhancement of the airport

FY2050 targets (long-term)

  • NAA Group will achieve net-zero emission of CO2
  • Reduce CO2 emission from Narita International Airport by 50% compared to FY2015

※On December 25, 2025, we raised the NAA Group's CO2 reduction target for FY2030 from 30% to 50%.

Decarbonization promotion plan

With the partial revision of the Civil Aeronautics Act in June 2022 (came into effect in December 2022), basic policy on the promotion of aviation decarbonization was formulated, and the promotion of decarbonization was included in the provisions on purposes. Based on the basic policy, Narita International Airport prepared a Narita International Airport Decarbonization Promotion Plan to achieve carbon neutral by FY2050, and was certified from the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism on December 1, 2023, as the first case since the establishment of the system.

Based on the plan, we will be promoting efforts regarding airport facilities and vehicles.

Planned target

  • FY2030: Make CO2 emission from the facilities and vehicles of Narita International Airport 50% of the emission as of FY2015.
  • FY2050: Carbon-neutralize CO2 emitted from facilities and vehicles of Narita International Airport.

Outline of efforts

  • Efforts regarding airport facilities (energy-saving of airport construction facilities, introduction of LED for airport lights and apron lights)
  • Efforts regarding airport vehicles (introduction of EV and FCV as vehicles used in airport, etc.)
  • Efforts regarding the promotion of energy saving (introduction of solar power generation, utilization of secondary batteries and hydrogen)
  • Efforts regarding aircraft (docking aircraft, taxiing aircraft, promotion of SAF introduction, etc.)
  • Cross-sectional efforts (energy management, regional cooperation and resilience enhancement)
  • Other (reduction of CO2 for airport access, CO2 sink measures, reduction of CO2 emission in construction and maintenance, activities for awareness building and improvement, collection and effective use of CO2, creation of carbon credit)

Sustainable NRT Promotion Council

As a system for environmental promotion in the entire airport, the Eco-Airport Development and Planning Council leads the promotion of various activities. In order to realize a decarbonized and sustainable society, efforts to achieve the targets of Sustainable NRT 2050 are promoted with the united efforts of airport-related business operators, participated in by 41 companies, 12 groups, and 9 ministries and agencies, including various professional association in which air carriers and cargo business operators participate.