Access DetailsTravel between Airport Terminal 2 Station and Terminal 3

From Airport Terminal 2 Station to T3 International/Domestic Departure Lobby

If you travel by foot

Exit the ticket gate and take the escalator on the left to go up to 1F.

Photo with escalator and arrow

Take the escalator to go up to 2F.

Go along the connecting passageway.

Go into the terminal building.

Complete the departure procedure at the departure lobby.

If you take a terminal shuttle bus (free)

Take the escalator on the left in front of the automatic door to go up to 1F.

Go straight along the blue passageway.

Take a bus for T3 from Bus Stop No. 1 at the end.

When you arrive at T3, follow the guide and go to the right.

Take the escalator to go up to 2F.

Go straight along the blue passageway.

Go into the terminal building.

Complete the departure procedure at the arrival lobby.

From T3 International/Domestic Arrival Lobby to Airport Terminal 2 Station

If you take a terminal shuttle bus (free)

Follow the guide and go outside from North Exit 1.

Take the bus for T2.

Go along the red passageway.

Take the escalator to go down to B1F.

Go to the ticket gate of your railway company.

If you travel by foot

Follow the guide and go outside from North Exit 2.

Go along the red passageway to the end on the right.

Take the escalator on the left to go up to 2F.

Go along the passageway into the terminal building.

Pass through the terminal building and go along the connecting passageway for T2.

Take the escalator to go down to 1F.

Go along the red passageway.

Take the escalator to go down to B1F.

Go to the ticket gate of your railway company.