Detailed Store InformationFa-So-La SOUVENIR AKIHABARA
Miscellaneous Japanese Goods & Folkcraft
Food Products / Confectionery
Anime Characters / Toys
Business hours
Open according to flight conditions.
Telephone number
+81 476-33-1917
Payment method
Cash (USD), Cash (JPY), Credit cards, E-money, QR code/Barcode payment
STEBs support
About the store
At this store, there is a great assortment of some of Japanese most famous cake brands, including Tokyo Banana, ROYCE' , and Shiroi Koibito. We also have Japanese folk art, and popular character-based merchandise. There are so many items here to choose from that typify "Cool Japan." We have famous regional Japanese confectionery that you don't normally come across. Why not buy some for yourself, as well as for souvenirs?