Detailed Store InformationFa-So-La Itoen

Miscellaneous Japanese Goods & Folkcraft
Food Products / Confectionery

Telephone number

+81 476-33-1917



Payment method

Cash (USD), Cash (JPY), Credit cards, E-money, QR code/Barcode payment

About the store

An Itoen Select Shop of ITO EN company renowned for its Oi Ocha brand. You can choose tea that suits your taste from a large selection of Japanese tea and matcha. Also, with a wide variety of items including Japanese and western confectionery that go well with Japanese tea and traditional crafts such as iron kettles, this shop is a "must visit" in your search for Japanese souvenirs.

Recommended items

Oi Ocha Matcha Green Tea Premium Tea Bags (50 Bags)

1,000 JPY

Oi Ocha Instant Green Tea Powder with Matcha 80 g

950 JPY

Oi Ocha Uji Matcha Powder 30 g

530 JPY

* The information indicated above is information as of the time of update and may be different from the actual prices. Please ask about the current status when you visit the store.

Product lineup

Japanese tea, Japanese and western confectionery, plastic bottle drinks, Japanese tea-related items [Japanese teapots, tea cups, iron kettles, etc.], folk crafts, etc.