Gyukatsu Kyoto Katsugyu
Business hours
Telephone number
Payment method
Cash (USD), Cash (JPY), Credit cards, E-money, QR code/Barcode payment
Multilingual menu
About the store
This restaurant specializes in Gyukatsu with "Making “beef cutlet” from Kyoto into the world’s “GYUKATSU”!" as its mission. The famous Gyukatsu are from Japanese Wagyu and include other carefully selected ingredients. They are served as a set meal style with the finest cutlets cooked medium rare by our master chefs. Freshly fried Gyukatsu are best served with a special stock and soy sauce mixture, and wasabi to finish the flavor off with a kick, the katsugyu way. Gyukatsu can also be enjoyed with a wide range of condiments such as Japanese pepper as well as Japanese-style curry dipping sauce.
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* The information indicated above is information as of the time of update and may be different from the actual prices. Please ask about the current status when you visit the store.
* Please ask the store about allergy information.