Detailed Store InformationYoshinoya Terminal2 Satellite

Japanese Cuisine
Light Meals / Fast Food
  • Image of Yoshinoya Satellite
  • Image of Yoshinoya Satellite
  • Exterior photo of Yoshinoya Satellite
  • Interior photo of Yoshinoya Satellite

Business hours



Telephone number

Payment method

Cash (JPY), Credit cards, E-money, QR code/Barcode payment



About the store

Traditional flavors of Japan dating back 120 years. We offer you a delicious beef rice bowl. There are also wide variety of menu other than beef rice bowl. Please feel free to stop by any time.

Recommended items

Beef Rice Bow Size M

Tonkotsu Ramen with Barbequed Pork

Tonkatsu Rice Plate

Set Menu of Broiled Eel on a Box of Rice, 1 Piece

* The information indicated above is information as of the time of update and may be different from the actual prices. Please ask about the current status when you visit the store.

* Please ask the store about allergy information.

Vegetarian menu


Salad Bowl

Ingredients of this dish

Does not includeMeatDoes not includeSeafoodIncludesEggsDoes not includeDairy productsDoes not includeHoney